Environmental Sustainability Audit (2011)
A key element of
In support of this goal, Fostering Sustainability carried out an Environmental Sustainability Audit for HTS which included a baseline study to assess the school’s environmental performance in terms of energy and water consumption, paper consumption, waste management, food services, operations and green purchasing practices. In each of the sections, Fostering Sustainability made recommendations for how the school can work to reduce its eco-footprint. Where possible, benchmark information was provided to compare HTS environmental performance with other similar independent schools. The audit report proposed strategies and priorities for integrating environmental considerations into school culture, operations and curriculum. It also recommended indicators that the school can use to monitor its environmental impacts as part of a process of continuous improvement as environmental principles are integrated into school culture, operations and curriculum.
The Environmental Sustainability Audit is the basis upon which HTS will develop its Vision 2015 Environmental Plan which will be a 5 year plan with targets for reducing its environmental footprint.